Thursday, August 8, 2013

Ha det Norge! (Goodbye Norway!)

Sadly, our time in Stavanger is winding down. This morning concluded our sessions with Laerdal as we presented our plans for the trip and received some final comments and pointers for our interviews in India. We got some excellent tips, and hope that we can use those to our advantage as we try and get our bearings in Mumbai and Pune.

Then, after another fantastic meal, we got a tour of Laerdal's simulation training center, SAFER, by Tore Laerdal himself. In these facilities, nurses, hospital workers, firefighters, and EMTs all come and train on Laerdal's simulation mannequins for all sorts of medical emergencies. They have a gutted ambulance, mock hospital rooms, and even a small apartment in the building to make sure simulations are realistic!

We then received a compression-only CPR training course developed by Laerdal on the mini-Anne, one of their simple training mannequins, and then on more conventional mannequins. Josh proceeded to save a dummy "Aaron," another Hemoglobe team member, from cardiac arrest!

After a final meal in Sunny's favorite Norwegian Cafe and a walk in a sea-side park, we said goodbye to Norway and began to pack for India!

Thanks again to all of the Laerdal staff for their generosity and hospitality this week!

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