Sunday, August 4, 2013

Houston, we have touchdown!

It's been a long day (and night, and day again) but we finally arrived in Norway. Started the day with a walk to the airport shuttle. Here's Pratik rocking the front and back pack, doing his best to be a citizen of the world.

The crew was ready to go after grabbing some food and getting through security. The flight left at 5pm and everyone was pleasantly surprised to hear it was going to be less than 7 hours to get to Amsterdam. Guess it helps to have the jet stream at your back. The flight was great..movies, music, and awesome food (KLM airlines does it right!). Although it was a little concerning to see the outside air temperature was -52 degrees F. 

After a quick 1.5 hour layover in Amsterdam, we boarded the plane for Stavanger, Norway. Flying in over the fjords is hard to beat. 

After checking in, we were ready to see Norway. We made the 3 block trek to the harbor, although the weather did its best to prevent the sight seeing.

Being the real adventurous types, we agreed Burger King would be the best bet. Not sure why the panda was there, but he wanted nothing to do with Michael. Luckily the BK employee spoke English so the first person up ordered a cheeseburger, chicken sandwich, and fries. "That'll be $27.63". The funny part is, she wasn't kidding. Needless to say that's the first BK I've been in where I didn't bring enough cash. We thought about pooling our money and each getting a bite of a Norwegian cheeseburger but decided against it. Guess we'll just wait til India to eat!

Anyway, its been a great few hours in Norway. The harbor, giant pandas, fjords, and outrageous food prices have let us know that the adventure has begun. Tonight we meet with our hosts, Laerdal Medical. Everyone's in good spirits, more posts to come!

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